Sunday, October 31, 2010

2 a.m.
The corner of West 4th and Perry.
It rained yesterday,
The sky tonight is clear.

If I were to turn off the lights of the city
I could look up and see
Another city mirrored in the sky.
Its flickering pinpoints of light
Dead now these millions of years.

The past in the present.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Did you know...

...that I have a Tumblr?

It is very fun.  It's a little over a year old, so there's lots to explore!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today I got my driver's license.  I will be 28 on November 15th, and I have never ever had a driver's license.  When I was a teenager, we were too poor to pay for behind-the-wheel training.  I was 17 when I moved to my college town and began college -- still a few months away from being of age and able to go in for the test without the behind-the-wheel class--and at that point, since I was walking distance from campus (and remained so for the next three years), it seemed silly to tax my already maxed out financial resources to pay for a car/insurance/gas...

And then I moved to NYC for four years...

And then I moved back to CA....

And I became increasingly depressed by my lack of mobility and independence.  And I resolved to get my license, so that I could at least drive whenever a car was available.

So this Spring, just before Summer Arts, I got my permit.   Then, about 7 weeks ago, I scheduled my test.  I took my test today and passed -- though I need to work on not crossing the limit line -- and then this afternoon, rented a 2010 Prius from Hertz!

Tomorrow at this time, I will be securely in the arms of my sweet and delectable man, Dave, in his bed in Los Angeles.  I plan to take my first ever solo road trip right after work tomorrow.


I'm downloading Beirut's "Gulag Orkestar" album (introduced to me by Dave) for the drive, as well as a couple other awesome road jams....(Aaron Copeland's "Rodeo," anyone?)

See you on the road!!!